UFA has been supported by Nesta and the Cabinet Office to develop a Volunteer Led Learning toolkit. This FREE downloadable guide and the associated resources provide practical support for schools to help them effectively train and manage volunteer tutors.
Volunteers tutors can bring with them a range of skills and experience that can enhance the learning opportunities of pupils. To ensure volunteer tutors are appropriately deployed we have created a process map which outlines the steps required to establish a Volunteer Led Learning programme.
Planning is key to the success of a Volunteer Led Learning programme, the planning model outlined in the toolkit falls into four phases:
Phase 1: Planning for delivery
Phase 2: Recruitment and training
Phase 3: Induction and delivery
Phase 4: Evaluation
The toolkit includes in excess of twenty resources to help develop a Volunteer Led Learning programme, all of which are available by clicking on the Tools Icons at the end of each section.
UFA are happy to offer consultancy support and training if required – contact the National Development Team on 0121 766 8077.