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31st March


Whole Education Conference – We will be there!

20% discount on standard price tickets for the UFA network. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to Whole Education’s 5th Annual Conference, ‘An Education Worth Having’, on the 18th and 19th November 2014 at Kings Place, Kings Cross, London. We are delighted that world-renowned education researcher, John Hattie will open the conference. Additionally, the two days will feature a

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27th March

Blog Stories

NCS – it all starts at YES – for young people AND their parents

When the National Citizen Service was launched in 2011, few could have anticipated the true value of the programme and its rewards for young people. Initially billed as a ‘non-military national service’, its aim was to mix young people from different backgrounds and teach them what it means to be socially responsible. It was designed

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20th March

Blog Stories

Helping young people develop leadership and character – what might a school look like?

The Department for Education has announced the school winners of the inaugural Character Awards – congratulations to all award winners and the national winner –the Leadership Academy. Debate in the Twittersphere about the Awards has been fierce.  For some, the overwhelmingly traditional nature of the winners was a disappointment (army cadets, classical music, fencing, and a

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3rd March

Blog Stories

Something to be truly proud of – young people, social action and UFA

It’s all too easy to generalise about teenagers and talk about their dedication to Xboxes and smartphone screens, but those who make these sweeping statements are not only likely to be guilty of the same short attention spans – but they probably haven’t heard of the fantastic work many young people are doing for their

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6th February

Blog Stories

Peer tutoring – a win/win/win

Much has been made of the value of peer tutoring in accelerating academic progress. The EEF/Sutton Toolkit outlines that peer tutoring offers high impact at low cost and is expected to achieve six months of accelerated progress with each student. However, an area that is less well researched is the impact of peer tutoring on the

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16th January

Blog Stories

Everything changes, but everything stays the same

As we start the year, UFA is operating in a world where education press releases and think tanks highlight how it is all about grit and character. Where leadership skills, resilience and communication are seen to be the essential skills mix to ensure our economy thrives. Where mental health and well-being of our young people is

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