

Lead Learners lead activities for other young people. It’s a three day programme for young people to gain skills and confidence to set up, run and evaluate mainstream and/or extra-curricular learning for other young people.

Young people develop an understanding of metacognition and feedback processes. Lead Learners become powerful role models motivating their peers to participate in learning. Organisations which value young people’s voice are able to provide genuine leadership opportunities in schools and community settings through this programme.

What's the cost?

Lead Learners

Three day direct delivery programme

Who's this programme for?

Children and young people aged between 8-18

Participant Info

Up to a maximum of 25 young people
Lead Practitioner course also available


What Participants Say

"The process of mentoring pupils and empowering them to take ownership of their clubs and therefore full responsibility for their actions, made a significant difference in their own personal development and impacted their success in many areas of school life."

Caroline Karayiannis
Movilla High School

"The course was a life-changing experience which has continued to have a huge impact on my learning."

Lead Learner


As part of a three year programme working with young people at risk or already excluded in Northern Ireland, we took baseline measurements of attendance, punctuality and suspensions and repeated this during the project and a month after it had finished.


Improved or maintained attendance


Improved punctuality


Improved attendance


More able to face future challenges


Benefits for Young People

  • Raised aspirations, achievement, attainment, motivation, attendance, improved behaviour and attitudes to education
  • Ability to plan, run and evaluate high quality mainstream and/or extra-curricular learning activity
  • Increased awareness about the process of learning and how to motivate peers to enjoy learning
  • Develop skills in project management, action planning, extending thinking and problem solving skills, representing a collective view, giving effective presentations, giving and receiving constructive feedback, being in the role of consultant/adviser and setting and achieving personal learning targets
  • Develop understanding of inclusive participation and the value of self-reflection and evaluation
  • Increased self confidence, team work and ability to lead others

Outcomes for supporting adults

  • Greater understanding of their role as a supporter, coach and facilitator of young people
  • Improved relationships with young people
  • Enhanced aspirations for young people
  • Ability to support Lead Learners to plan, run and evaluate high quality learning activity
  • Broader understanding and repertoire of learning processes to engage young people including a range of strategies focused on metacognition, self-regulation, feedback collaborative and mastery learning
  • Increased awareness of the value of providing young people with leadership opportunities


children involved in a UFA project

What's in the course?

  • Understanding the role of a Lead Learner and the supporting adult
  • Exploring positive effective ways to work together
  • Planning sessions well for all learners
  • Developing an evaluation strategy using UFA’s Young Evaluators Toolkit
  • Developing an understanding of effective learning and how to provide a positive learning environment
  • Daily target setting and reviewing of own learning
  • Trying something new to experience being challenged as a learner and understand what support learners need
  • Considering responses to scenarios Lead Learners may need to deal with
  • Presenting project plans for next steps


Interested? Any Questions?

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