Transforming Learning
UFA Transforming Learning Programmes are in depth training programmes for practitioners who engage with young people in schools, communities and in other youth settings. Combined with strategic direction, they give you the opportunity to create a ‘bottom up’ approach to transforming learning in your organisation. The programmes aim to give you the opportunity to transform
UFA’s experienced team can offer whole school or individual departments INSET. We can provide bespoke programmes or you can draw on a range of individual transforming learning days. INSET training usually focuses on putting recent learning theories into practical teaching and learning strategies. The aims of INSET vary depending on the needs of the school but
Lead Practitioner
UFA Lead practitioners develop their expertise in specific UFA programmes through a three step process, attending UFA Lead Practitioner Training, putting your learning into practice then feeding back to us about it. These short courses give practitioners the expertise and resources to lead particular UFA programmes in their area. Lead practitioner programmes model UFA values
Book a Lead Practitioner Course
We run Lead Practitioner courses throughout the year in central Birmingham as well as dates and locations throughout the country (dependent on demand). Individual bookings can be made and paid for through the EventBrite link on each date. If you require further information or you would like to book a course but require an invoice,